May - Skylap station launch
1973: May 14 is the 45th anniversary of the Skylab space station launch (which launched in 1973).
April - Galex Launch
2003: April 28th is the 15th anniversary of the Galex Launch (which launched in 2003).
April - Pioneer 11 Launch Anniversary
1973: April 5th is the 45th anniversary of the Pioneer 11 launch (the first flyby Saturn).
April - Space Odyssey Anniversary
1968: April 2 is the 50th anniversary of 2001: A Space Odyssey world premiere!
Apollo 13 Launch
1970: Apollo 13 was the seventh manned mission in the Apollo space program and the third intended to land on the Moon.
Apollo 14 Launch
1971: Apollo 14 was the third U.S. lunar landing mission, and the first since the near disaster of Apollo 13. Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell went to the Moon while Stuart Roosa piloted the CM. They perform nine hours of moonwalks
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