September: Skylab crew lands
1973: September 25th is the 45th Anniversary of the second Skylab crew landing.
September: Galileo ends mission at Jupiter
2003: September 21st is the 15th Anniversary of the Galileo mission ending at Jupiter.
September: 1st operational Cygnus launch
2008: August 18th is the 10th Anniversary of the first operational Cygnus Launch.
September: LADEE Launch
2013: September 6th is the 5th Anniversary of the LADEE Launch.
August: STS-8 launch
1983: August 30th is the 35th Anniversary of the STS-8 Launch with the first African-American in space
August: Spitzer Space Telescope launch
2003: August 25th is the 15th Anniversary of the Spitzer Space Telescope.
August - Highest X-15 flight
1963: August 22nd is the 55th Anniversary of the Highest X-15 flight.
August - T. Keith Glennan sworn in as NASA’s 1st Administrator
1958: August 19th is the 60th Anniversary of T. Keith Glennan sworn in as NASA's First Administrator.
August - ISEE 3 Launch
1978: August 12th is the 40th Anniversary of the ISEE 3 Launch.
August - Magellan probe
1993: August 10th is the 25th Anniversary of the Magellan Probe to complete its first aerobraking to change orbit (to enter science orbit at Venus).