NASA-funded experiments using algae as a recycling agent for long-duration space travel resulted in a method for using algae to produce omega-3 fatty acids found naturally in the body. Nearly all U.S. infant formulas are now enriched with these additives, which are believed to help with mental and visual development, as are a wide variety of foods for children, adults, pets, and livestock.
A company worked with NASA to study the possible use of single-celled algae for food supply, oxygen generation, and waste disposal in the agency’s Closed Environment Life Support System, a self-sustaining domicile intended to support crews in space for extended periods of time. The company hit on a species of algae that produces high levels of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA and, later, a fungus that produces the similar ARA.
Learn more about how NASA helped develop technology that impacts enriched baby food within your city's grocery environment!